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Congratulations Monica!

Custom wooden award plaque resembling a book with a painted rocket with inscription: "2024 Oregon Library Association Children Service Division presents Monica Hoffman The Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award For significant contributions to Oregon in the fields of children's literature and library services".

The Oregon Library Association Children’s Services Division presented UCSLD staff member Monica Hoffman the 2024 Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award at the annual Oregon Library Association conference in April.  The Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award was established in 1982 to honor a living Oregon author, librarian, or educator who has made a significant contribution to Oregon in the fields of children’s literature and library services. It is awarded annually by the Children’s Services Division of the Oregon Library  Association. 

Monica is the Early Literacy Program Manager and develops and delivers early literacy programming and training to childcare sites, preschools, parents, and libraries throughout Umatilla County.  Since 2014, Monica has been the program director for Take Off! an early literacy outreach program which focuses on reaching families that cannot otherwise reach a public library due to transportation or conflicts with work. Monica has expanded this program to school fairs, back-to-school nights, and now more than 70 sites across the county.  She also serves as an encourager and support to library directors, skillfully developing and adapting early learning program services to model inclusive storytimes, hands-on STEAM materials and the building of library storytime kits.

She led a Next Level Storytime workshop at the Oregon Library Association Conference in 2023 and helped librarians across the state add inclusive storytime elements to their programming. She is currently the chair of the Children's Services Division for the Oregon Library Association.  

Monica’s contributions over the past 10 years have benefited many lives and made lasting contributions to the children of Oregon.

Congratulations Monica!

A framed award certificate for contributions to children's literature and library services.